

These last couple of days have been great. I really enjoyed this well-deserved break. I got to hang with my main buds, got to see some other friends I hadn't seen in a couple of months, hung out with the family, and I got to laugh a lot. Funny how simple things like laughter can really make your day. Lately I had been swamped with homework and these couple of days off were a much-welcomed change of pace.

Anyways, a week back I went to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. This is like the bijillionth time going but I always enjoy that museum. Just seeing all the new exhibits really inspires me to create something. It just really makes me want to create my own art. I really enjoyed the Vanity Fair photography exhibit. They had some really majestic photographs. These are just some pics I took of things I found interesting.

Now I have to catch up on all the homework I was supposed to do these past couple of days. Goodbye.
I'm Carlos, a 19 year old design student from Torrance, California.